First Name
Last Name
Job Title Guidance Counsellor Teacher Student Success College Recruiter Other
High School Name AAEC's/e-Learning (Lindsay) Abbey Park High School (Oakville) A B Lucas Secondary School (London) Académie catholique Ange-Gabriel (Brockville) ACCESS Program (Richmond Hill) Acton District High School (Acton) Adam Scott Collegiate and Vocational Institute (Peterborough) Adult Day School (Sudbury) Adult High School (Ottawa) Agincourt Collegiate Institute (Agincourt) Ajax High School (Ajax) Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute (Toronto) Aldershot High School (Burlington) Alexander MacKenzie High School (Richmond Hill) Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School (Sarnia) Algoma Education Connection Secondary School (Sault Ste Marie) All Saints Catholic High School (Kanata) All Saints Catholic Secondary School Secondary School (Whitby) Almaguin Highlands Secondary School (South River) Almonte District High School (Almonte) ALPHA II Alternative School (Toronto) Alternative Scarborough Education 1 (Scarborough) Ancaster High School (Ancaster) Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute (Whitby) A N Myer Secondary School (Niagara Falls) Applewood Acres Secondary School (Mississauga) Applewood Heights Secondary School (Mississauga) Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School (Ajax) Arnprior District High School (Arnprior) Arthur Voaden Secondary School (St Thomas) Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School (Mississauga) Assumption Catholic Secondary School (Burlington) Assumption College School (Windsor) Assumption College School High School (Brantford) Athens District High School (Athens) Aurora High School (Aurora) Avondale Secondary Alternative School (North York) Avon Maitland District E-learning Centre (Clinton) A Y Jackson Secondary School (Toronto) A.Y. Jackson Secondary School (Kanata) Banting Memorial District High School (Alliston) Barrie North Collegiate Institute (Barrie) Barrydowne College Senior (Sudbury) Bayridge Learning Centre (Kingston) Bayridge Secondary School (Kingston) Bayside Secondary School (Belleville) Bayview Secondary School (Richmond Hill) B Davison Secondary School Secondary School (London) Beamsville District Secondary School (Beamsville) Bear Creek Secondary School (Barrie) Beaver Brae Secondary School (Kenora) Belle River District High School (Belle River) Bell High School (Nepean) Bernie Custis Secondary School Secondary School (Hamilton) Bill Crothers Secondary School (Unionville) Bill Hogarth Secondary School (Markham) Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute (Scarborough) Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School (Hanmer) Bishop Allen Academy Catholic Secondary School (Toronto) Bishop Macdonell Catholic Secondary School (Guelph) Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School (Toronto) Bishop Paul Francis Reding Catholic Secondary School (Milton) Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School (Hannon) Bishop Smith Catholic High School (Pembroke) Bishop Tonnos Catholic Secondary School (Ancaster) Blenheim District High School (Blenheim) Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School (Grimsby) Bloor Collegiate Institute (Toronto) Bluevale Collegiate Institute (Waterloo) Bluewater Alternative Education School (Chesley) Bowmanville High School (Bowmanville) Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School (Bracebridge) Bradford District High School (Bradford) Bramalea Secondary School (Brampton) Brampton Centennial Secondary School (Brampton) Brantford Collegiate Institute and Vocational School (Brantford) Brebeuf College School (Toronto) Brock High School (Cannington) Brockville Collegiate Institute (Brockville) Brookfield High School (Ottawa) Brooklin High School (Whitby) Bruce Peninsula District School (Lion's Head) Burlington Central High School (Burlington) Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute (Etobicoke) Bur Oak Secondary School (Markham) Cairine Wilson Secondary School (Orleans) CALC Secondary School (Toronto) Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) Canterbury High School (Ottawa) Cardinal Ambrozic CSS (Brampton) Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts (Toronto) Cardinal Carter CSS (Leamington) Cardinal Carter CSS (Aurora) Cardinal Leger SS (Brampton) Caring and Safe Schools LC1 (Etobicoke) Caring and Safe Schools LC2 (Scarborough) Caring and Safe Schools LC3 (Scarborough) Caring and Safe Schools LC4 (Toronto) Carleton Place HS (Carleton Place) Carrefour Options + (Sudbury) Castlebrooke SS (Brampton) Cathedral HS (Hamilton) Catholic Central (Windsor) Catholic Central HS (London) Cawthra Park SS (Mississauga) Cayuga SS (Cayuga) Cedarbrae CI (Scarborough) Centennial CVI (Guelph) Centennial SS (Belleville) Central Algoma SS (Desbarats) Central Elgin CI (St. Thomas) Central Etobicoke HS (Toronto) Central Hastings School SS (Madoc) Central Huron SS (Clinton) Central Peel SS (Brampton) Central Technical School (Toronto) Central Toronto Academy (Toronto) Centre Dufferin District HS (Shelburne) Centre for Individual Studies (Bowmanville) Centre for Individual Studies Clarington (Bowmanville) Centre Wellington District HS (Fergus) Chaminade College School (Toronto) Chapleau HS (Chapleau) Charlottenburgh and Lancaster District HS (Williamstown) Chatham-Kent SS (Chatham) Chelmsford Valley District Composite School (Chelmsford) Chinguacousy SS (Brampton) Chippewa SS (North Bay) Christ the King CSS (Georgetown) City School (Toronto) Clarington Central SS (Bowmanville) Clarke HS (Newcastle) Clarke Road SS (London) Clarkson SS (Mississauga) Cobourg CI (Cobourg) Cochrane HS (Cochrane) College Avenue SS (Woodstock) Collingwood CI (Collingwood) Colonel By SS (Gloucester) Confederation SS (Val Caron) Contact Alternative School School (Toronto) Cornwall CVS (Cornwall) Corpus Christi CSS (Burlington) Courtice SS (Courtice) Craig Kielburger SS (Milton) Crestwood SS (Peterborough) Crolancia SS (Pickle Lake) C W Jefferys CI (North York) Danforth CI and Technical School (Toronto) Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto) David and Mary Thomson CI (Scarborough) David Suzuki SS (Brampton) Day School -Wellington Centre For ContEd (Guelph) DCE - Under 21 CI & VS (Oshawa) Delhi District SS (Delhi) Delphi Secondary Alternative School (Scarborough) Denis Morris CHS (St. Catharines) Donald A Wilson SS (Whitby) Don Mills CI (North York) Downsview SS (North York) Drewry SS (North York) Dr. Frank J. Hayden SS (Burlington) Dr G W Williams SS (Aurora) Dr John M Denison SS (Newmarket) Dr Norman Bethune CI (Toronto) Dryden HS (Dryden) DSBN Academy (St. Catharines) Dufferin Centre for Continuing Education (Orangeville) Dunbarton HS (Pickering) Dundas Valley SS (Dundas) Dunnville SS (Dunnville) Durham Alternative SS (Oshawa) Earl Haig SS (North York) Earl of March SS (Kanata) Eastdale CVI (Oshawa) Eastdale CI (Toronto) Eastdale SS (Welland) East Elgin SS (Aylmer) East Northumberland SS (Brighton) Eastside SS (Belleville) Eastview SS (Barrie) Eastwood CI (Kitchener) East York Alternative SS (East York) East York CI (East York) E C Drury/Trillium Demonstration School (Milton) Eden HS (St. Catharines) E L Crossley SS (Fonthill) Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary Alternate (Nepean) Elliot Lake SS (Elliot Lake) Elmira District SS (Elmira) Elmvale District HS (Elmvale) Elsie MacGill SS (Milton) Emery CI (North York) Emery EdVance SS (Toronto) Emily Carr SS (Woodbridge) Englehart HS (Englehart) Erindale SS (Mississauga) Erin District HS (Erin) Ernest C Drury School for the Deaf (Milton) Ernestown SS (Odessa) Espanola HS (Espanola) Essex District HS (Essex) Etobicoke CI (Etobicoke) Etobicoke School of the Arts (Toronto) Etobicoke Secondary Alternative School (Toronto) Father Bressani CHS (Woodbridge) Father Donald MacLellan CSS (Ajax) Father Henry Carr CSS (Toronto) Father John Redmond CSS (Toronto) Father Leo J Austin CSS (Whitby) Father Michael Goetz SS (Mississauga) Father Michael McGivney CHS (Markham) Fellowes HS (Pembroke) F E Madill SS (Wingham) Fenelon Falls SS (Fenelon Falls) F J Brennan CHS (Windsor) F J McElligott SS (Mattawa) Fletcher's Meadow SS (Brampton) Forest Heights CI (Kitchener) Forest Hill CI (Toronto) Fort Frances HS (Fort Frances) Francis Libermann CHS (Toronto) Frank Oke SS (Toronto) Frederick Banting Secondary Alternate Program (Stittsville) Frontenac SS (Kingston) Galt CVI (Cambridge) Gananoque SS (Gananoque) Garth Webb SS (Oakville) Gary Allan HS - Burlington (Burlington) Gary Allan HS - STEP (Burlington) G A Wheable SS (London) George Harvey CI (Toronto) George S Henry Academy (North York) Georges Vanier SS (North York) Georgetown District HS (Georgetown) Georgian Bay Community School SS (Meaford) Georgian Bay District SS (Midland) Geraldton Composite School (Geraldton) Glebe CI (Ottawa) Glencoe District HS (Glencoe) Glendale HS (Tillsonburg) Glendale SS (Hamilton) Glenforest SS (Mississauga) Glengarry District HS (Alexandria) Glenview Park SS (Cambridge) Gloucester HS (Gloucester) G L Roberts CVI (Oshawa) Goderich District CI (Goderich) Governor Simcoe SS (St. Catharines) Grand Erie Learning Alternatives (Brantford) Grand River CI (Kitchener) Granite Ridge Education Centre SS (Sharbot Lake) Gravenhurst HS (Gravenhurst) Greater Fort Erie SS (Fort Erie) Great Lakes SS (Sarnia) Greenwood SS (Toronto) Grey Highlands SS (Flesherton) Grimsby SS (Grimsby) Guelph CVI (Guelph) Hagersville SS (Hagersville) Haliburton Highland SS (Haliburton) Hammarskjold HS (Thunder Bay) Harbord CI (Toronto) Harold M. Brathwaite SS (Brampton) H B Beal SS (London) Hearst HS (Hearst) Heart Lake SS (Brampton) Henry Street HS (Whitby) Heydon Park SS (Toronto) Hillcrest HS (Ottawa) Hill Park System Alternative Education (Hamilton) Hodan Nalayeh SS (Thornhill) Holy Angels Learning Centre (Sault Ste Marie) Holy Cross Catholic Academy HS (Woodbridge) Holy Cross CSS (St. Catharines) Holy Cross CSS (Strathroy) Holy Cross CSS (Kingston) Holy Cross CSS (Peterborough) Holy Name of Mary SS (Brampton) Holy Names CHS (Windsor) Holy Trinity CHS (Kanata) Holy Trinity CHS (Bradford) Holy Trinity CHS (Simcoe) Holy Trinity CSS (Oakville) Holy Trinity CSS (Courtice) Holy Trinity CSS (Cornwall) Hon W C Kennedy CI (Windsor) Hornepayne HS (Hornepayne) Humberside CI (Toronto) Humberview SS (Bolton) Huntsville HS (Huntsville) Huron Heights SS (Newmarket) Huron Heights SS (Kitchener) Huron Park SS (Woodstock) I E Weldon SS (Lindsay) Ignace SS (Ignace) Immaculata HS (Ottawa) Ingersoll District CI (Ingersoll) Inglenook Community School (Toronto) Innisdale SS (Barrie) Iona SS (Mississauga) Iroquois Falls SS (Iroquois Falls) Iroquois Ridge HS (Oakville) Jacob Hespeler SS (Cambridge) James Cardinal McGuigan CHS (Toronto) James Street Alternative Education (Hamilton) Jarvis CI (Toronto) J Clarke Richardson CI (Ajax) Jean Augustine SS (Brampton) John Cabot CSS (Mississauga) John Diefenbaker Senior School (Hanover) John Fraser SS (Mississauga) John F Ross CVI (Guelph) John McCrae SS (Nepean) John McGregor SS (Chatham) John Paul II CSS (London) John Polanyi CI (Toronto) Judith Nyman SS (Brampton) Kapapamahchakwew - Wandering Spirit School (Toronto) Kapuskasing District HS (Kapuskasing) Katarokwi Learning Centre (Kingston) Kenner CVI (Peterborough) Keswick HS (Keswick) Kincardine District SS (Kincardine) King City SS (King City) Kingston SS (Kingston) Kingsville District HS (Kingsville) Kipling CI (Etobicoke) Kirkland Lake District Composite SS (Kirkland Lake) Kitchener Waterloo CVS (Kitchener) Korah CVS (Sault Ste Marie) La Clef (Timmins) Lakehead Alternative School (Thunder Bay) Lakeshore CHS (Port Colborne) Lakeshore CI (Etobicoke) Lake Superior HS (Terrace Bay) Lambton Central CVI (Petrolia) Lambton Kent Composite School (Dresden) L'Amoreaux CI (Agincourt) Langstaff SS (Richmond Hill) Lasalle SS (Sudbury) La Salle SS (Kingston) Launch SS (Nepean) Laura Secord SS (St. Catharines) Laurel Heights SS (Waterloo) Lawrence Park CI (Toronto) Leamington District SS (Leamington) Leaside HS (East York) Lester B Pearson CHS (Gloucester) Lester B Pearson CI (Scarborough) Lifetime Learning Centre SS (St. Catharines) Limestone School of Community Education (Kingston) Lincoln M. Alexander SS (Mississauga) Lindsay CVI (Lindsay) Lisgar CI (Ottawa) Listowel District SS (Listowel) Lively District SS (Lively) Lockerby Composite School (Sudbury) Lo-Ellen Park SS (Sudbury) London Central SS (London) London South CI (London) Longfields Davidson Heights SS (Nepean) Lord Dorchester SS (Dorchester) Loretto Abbey CSS (Toronto) Loretto College School (Toronto) Lorne Park SS (Mississauga) Louise Arbour SS (Brampton) Loyalist CVI (Kingston) Loyola CSS (Mississauga) Loyola Community Learning Centre (Kingston) Mackenzie Community School - SS (Deep River) Madawaska Valley District HS (Barry's Bay) Madonna CSS (Toronto) Malvern CI (Toronto) Manitoulin SS (M'Chigeeng) Manitouwadge HS (Manitouwadge) Maple HS (Maple) Maple Ridge SS (Barrie) Maplewood HS (West Hill) Marathon HS (Marathon) Marc Garneau CI (Toronto) Markham District HS (Markham) Markville SS (Markham) Marshall McLuhan CSS (Toronto) Martingrove CI (Etobicoke) Marymount Academy CS (Sudbury) Mary Ward CSS (Toronto) Maxwell Heights SS (Oshawa) Mayfield SS (Caledon) McKinnon Park SS (Caledonia) Meadowvale SS (Mississauga) Medway HS (Arva) Merivale HS (Nepean) Michael Power/St. Joseph HS (Toronto) Michipicoten HS (Wawa) Middlefield CI (Markham) Milliken Mills HS (Unionville) Milton District HS (Milton) Mississauga SS (Mississauga) Mitchell District HS (Mitchell) M M Robinson HS (Burlington) Monarch Park CI (Toronto) Monsignor Doyle CSS (Cambridge) Monsignor John Pereyma CSS (Oshawa) Monsignor Paul Dwyer CHS (Oshawa) Monsignor Percy Johnson CHS (Toronto) Montcalm SS (London) Mother Teresa CSS (London) Msgr Fraser College (Isabella Campus) (Toronto) Msgr Fraser College (Norfinch Campus) (Toronto) Msgr Fraser College (Northeast) (Scarborough) Msgr Fraser College (Southwest) (Toronto) Msgr Fraser-Midland (Toronto) Msgr Fraser Orientation Centre (Toronto) Nantyr Shores SS (Innisfil) Napanee District SS (Napanee) Native Learning Centre (Toronto) Native Learning Centre East (Scarborough) Neil McNeil HS (Toronto) Nelson HS (Burlington) Nepean HS (Ottawa) Newmarket HS (Newmarket) Newtonbrook SS (Toronto) Nicholson Catholic College (Belleville) Nipigon Red Rock District HS (Red Rock) Nora Frances Henderson (Hamilton) Norman Johnston Secondary Alternate Program (Ottawa) North Addington Education Centre (Cloyne) North Albion CI (Toronto) North Dundas District HS (Chesterville) North East Secondary Alternative School (Toronto) Northern CI and Vocational School (Sarnia) Northern Lakes HS (Atikokan) Northern Lights SS (Moosonee) Northern SS (Toronto) Northern SS (Sturgeon Falls) North Grenville District HS (Kemptville) North Hastings HS (Bancroft) North Lambton SS (Forest) North Middlesex District HS (Parkhill) North Park CVS (Brantford) North Park SS (Brampton) North Shore Adolescent Education School (Elliot Lake) North Star HS (Amherstburg) North Toronto CI (Toronto) Northview Heights SS (Toronto) North West Secondary Alternative School (North York) Norwell District SS (Palmerston) Norwood District HS (Norwood) Notre Dame CHS (Toronto) Notre Dame CHS (Carleton Place) Notre Dame CSS (Ajax) Notre Dame CSS (Brampton) Notre Dame CSS (Burlington) Notre Dame College School (Welland) Notre Dame HS (Ottawa) Nottawasaga Pines SS (Angus) N'Swakamok Native Alternative School (Sudbury) Oakridge SS (London) Oakville Trafalgar HS (Oakville) Oakwood CI (Toronto) Oasis Alternative SS (Toronto) O'Gorman HS (Timmins) O'Neill CVI (Oshawa) Opeongo HS (Douglas) Orangeville District SS (Orangeville) Orchard Park SS (Stoney Creek) Orillia SS (Orillia) Osgoode Township HS (Metcalfe) Ottawa Technical SS (Ottawa) Our Lady of Lourdes CS (Guelph) Our Lady of Mount Carmel SS (Mississauga) Our Lady of the Bay CHS (Collingwood) Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Academy HS (Keswick) Our Lady Queen of the World CA HS (Richmond Hill) Owen Sound District SS (Owen Sound) PACE (Timmins) Paris District HS (Paris) Parkdale CI (Toronto) Parkholme SS (Brampton) Parkside CI (St. Thomas) Parkview Alternative School (Scarborough) Parry Sound HS (Parry Sound) Patrick Fogarty CSS (Orillia) Pauline Johnson CVS (Brantford) Peel Alternative North (Brampton) Peel Alternative North ISR (Brampton) Peel Alternative South (Mississauga) Peel Alternative South ISR (Mississauga) Peninsula Shores District School (Wiarton) Perth and District CI (Perth) Peterborough CVS (Peterborough) Philip Pocock CSS (Mississauga) Pickering HS (Ajax) Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS (Markham) Pine Ridge SS (Pickering) Pope Francis CSS (Welland) Port Colborne HS (Port Colborne) Port Credit SS (Mississauga) Port Hope HS (Port Hope) Port Perry HS (Port Perry) Preston HS (Cambridge) Prince Edward CI (Picton) Rainy River HS (Rainy River) Rebecca Street Alternative Education SS (Hamilton) Red Lake District HS (Red Lake) Regina Mundi College (London) Regiopolis/Notre-Dame CHS (Kingston) Renfrew CI (Renfrew) Renfrew County Adult Day School (Pembroke) Resurrection CSS (Kitchener) R H King Academy (Toronto) Richard Pfaff Secondary Alternate Site (Ottawa) Richmond Green SS (Richmond Hill) Richmond Hill HS (Richmond Hill) Richview CI (Etobicoke) Rick Hansen SS (Mississauga) Rideau District HS (Elgin) Ridgemont HS (Ottawa) Ridgetown District HS (Ridgetown) Riverdale CI (Toronto) Riverside SS (Windsor) Robarts/Amethyst Demonstration SS (London) Robarts Provincial School for the Deaf (London) Robert F Hall CSS (Caledon East) Rockland District HS (Rockland) Roland Michener SS (South Porcupine) Rosedale Heights School of the Arts (Toronto) Rosemount - U Turn School (Waterloo) R S Mclaughlin CVI (Oshawa) Runnymede CI (Toronto) Russell HS (Russell) Sacred Heart CHS (Newmarket) Sacred Heart HS (Walkerton) Sacred Heart HS (Stittsville) Saint Francis CSS (St. Catharines) Saint Kateri Tekakwitha CSS (Thorold) Saint Michael CHS (Niagara Falls) Saint Paul CHS (Niagara Falls) Saltfleet HS (Stoney Creek) Sandalwood Heights SS (Brampton) Sandwich SS (LaSalle) SATEC @ W A Porter CI (Scarborough) Saugeen District SS (Port Elgin) Saunders SS (London) Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies (Toronto) School of Experiential Education (Toronto) School of Life Experience (Toronto) Seaway District HS (Iroquois) SEED Alternative School (Toronto) Senator O'Connor College School (Toronto) Sherwood SS (Hamilton) Silverthorn CI (Etobicoke) Simcoe Composite School (Simcoe) Simcoe Shores SS (Barrie) Sinclair SS (Whitby) Sioux North District HS (Sioux Lookout) Sir Allan MacNab SS (Hamilton) Sir Frederick Banting SS (London) Sir Guy Carleton SS (Nepean) Sir James Whitney/Sagonaska SS (Belleville) Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf (Belleville) Sir John A Macdonald CI (Toronto) Sir Oliver Mowat CI (Toronto) Sir Robert Borden HS (Nepean) Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI (Toronto) Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS (London) Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS (Orleans) Sir William Mulock SS (Newmarket) Sir William Osler HS (Toronto) Sir Winston Churchill SS (Hamilton) Sir Winston Churchill SS (St. Catharines) Smiths Falls District CI (Smiths Falls) South Carleton HS (Richmond) South East Secondary Alternative School (Toronto) South Grenville District HS (Prescott) South Huron District HS (Exeter) Southwood SS (Cambridge) St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS (Mississauga) St. Andre Bessette SS (London) St. Anne's CSS (Clinton) St. Anne SS (Belle River) St. Augustine CHS (Markham) St. Augustine SS (Brampton) St. Basil-the-Great College School (Toronto) St. Benedict CSS (Sudbury) St. Benedict CSS (Cambridge) St. Brother André CHS (Markham) St. Catharines CI & VS (St. Catharines) St. Charles Catholic Adult SS (Hamilton) St. Charles College (Sudbury) St. David CSS (Waterloo) St. Dominic CSS (Bracebridge) St. Don Bosco CSS (Kitchener) St. Edmund Campion SS (Brampton) St. Elizabeth CHS (Thornhill) St. Francis Xavier CS (Gloucester) St. Francis Xavier CHS (Hammond) St. Francis Xavier CSS (Milton) St. Francis Xavier SS (Mississauga) St. Ignatius HS (Thunder Bay) St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS (Oakville) St. James Catholic Education Centre HS (Smiths Falls) St. James CS (Guelph) St. Jean de Brebeuf CHS (Woodbridge) St. Jean de Brebeuf CSS (Hamilton) St. Joan of Arc Catholic Academy (Toronto) St. Joan of Arc CHS (Maple) St. Joan of Arc CSS (Mississauga) St. Joan of Arc HS (Barrie) St. John Bosco CS (Guelph) St. John CHS (Perth Road) St. John Henry Newman CHS (Scarborough) St. John Henry Newman CSS (Stoney Creek) St. John Paul II CSS (Toronto) St. John's College (Brantford) St. Joseph HS (Nepean) St. Joseph Morrow Park CSS (Toronto) St. Joseph-Scollard Hall SS (North Bay) St. Joseph's College School (Toronto) St. Joseph SS (Mississauga) St. Joseph's HS (St. Thomas) St. Joseph's HS (Windsor) St. Joseph's HS (Renfrew) St. Joseph's SS (Cornwall) St. Joseph's Separate School (Barrie) St. Kateri Tekakwitha CSS (Burlington) St. Katharine Drexel CHS SS (Stouffville) St. Lawrence SS (Cornwall) St. Luke CHS (Smiths Falls) St. Luke Learning Centre (Maple) St. Marcellinus SS (Mississauga) St. Marguerite d'Youville SS (Brampton) St. Mark HS (Manotick) St. Martin CS (Toronto) St. Martin SS (Mississauga) St. Mary Catholic Academy (Toronto) St. Mary Catholic Learning Centre (Brantford) St. Mary Catholic Learning Centre Day (Brantford) St. Mary CSS (Pickering) St. Mary CSS (Hamilton) St. Mary CSS (Cobourg) St. Mary's College Separate School (Sault Ste Marie) St. Marys D.C. & V. I. HS (St. Marys) St. Mary's HS (Brockville) St. Mary's HS (Kitchener) St. Mary's HS (Woodstock) St. Mary's HS (Owen Sound) St. Matthew CSS (Cornwall) St. Matthew HS (Orleans) St. Maximilian Kolbe HS (Aurora) St. Michael CSS (Stratford) St. Michael CSS (Bolton) St. Michael HS (Kemptville) St. Michael's Adult HS (Windsor) St. Michael's Choir (Sr) School (Toronto) St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy (Toronto) St. Mother Teresa HS (Nepean) St. Nicholas Adult HS (Ottawa) St. Oscar Romero CSS (Toronto) St. Oscar Romero CSS (Mississauga) St. Patrick CSS (Toronto) St. Patrick HS (Thunder Bay) St. Patrick's CHS (Sarnia) St. Patrick's HS (Ottawa) St. Paul CSS (Trenton) St. Paul HS (Ottawa) St. Paul SS (Mississauga) St. Peter CSS (Peterborough) St. Peter HS (Orleans) St. Peter's SS (Barrie) St. Pius X HS (Ottawa) St. Robert CHS (Thornhill) St. Roch CSS (Brampton) St. Stephen CSS (Bowmanville) St. Theresa CSS (Belleville) St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS (Richmond Hill) St. Theresa's Separate School (Midland) St. Thomas Aquinas CHS (Russell) St. Thomas Aquinas CSS (Tottenham) St. Thomas Aquinas CSS (Lindsay) St. Thomas Aquinas CSS (Oakville) St. Thomas Aquinas HS (Kenora) St. Thomas Aquinas SS (Brampton) St. Thomas Aquinas SS (London) St. Thomas More CSS (Hamilton) St. Thomas of Villanova SS (LaSalle) Stamford Collegiate (Niagara Falls) Stayner CI (Stayner) Stephen Leacock CI (Toronto) Stephen Lewis SS (Thornhill) Stephen Lewis SS (Mississauga) Stouffville District SS (Stouffville) Stratford District SS (Stratford) Strathroy District CI (Strathroy) Streetsville SS (Mississauga) Subway Academy I (Toronto) Subway Academy II (Toronto) Sudbury SS (Sudbury) Superior CVI (Thunder Bay) Superior Heights CVS (Sault Ste. Marie) Sutton District HS (Sutton) Sydenham HS (Sydenham) Tagwi SS (Avonmore) TB Catholic Alternative Education (Thunder Bay) Tecumseh Vista Academy- Secondary (Tecumseh) Thames Valley Alternative SS (London) The Student School (Toronto) The Woodlands SS (Mississauga) Thistletown CI (Toronto) Thomas A Blakelock HS (Oakville) Thomas A Stewart SS (Peterborough) Thomas Merton CSS (Oakville) Thornhill SS (Thornhill) Thornlea SS (Thornhill) Thorold SS (Thorold) Thousand Islands SS (Brockville) Tilbury District HS (Tilbury) Timiskaming District SS (New Liskeard) Timmins High and Vocational School (Timmins) T. L. Kennedy SS (Mississauga) Tollgate Technological Skills Centre SS (Brantford) Tommy Douglas SS (Woodbridge) Trenton HS (Trenton) T R Leger School of Adult & Continuing SS (Cornwall) Turner Fenton SS (Brampton) Turning Point Alternative Education School (Hamilton) Twin Lakes SS (Orillia) Unionville HS (Unionville) Urban Aboriginal Alternate HS (Ottawa) Ursula Franklin Academy (Toronto) Ursuline College Chatham CSS (Chatham) Uxbridge SS (Uxbridge) Valley Heights SS (Langton) Valour JK to 12 School - SS (Petawawa) Vankleek Hill CI (Vankleek Hill) Victoria Park CI (Toronto) Vincent Massey SS (Windsor) Walkerton District Community School (Walkerton) Walkerville CI (Windsor) Wallaceburg District SS (Wallaceburg) Waterdown District HS (Waterdown) Waterford District HS (Waterford) Waterloo CI (Waterloo) Waterloo-Oxford District SS (Baden) W C Eaket SS (Blind River) Welland Centennial SS (Welland) Wellington Heights SS (Mount Forest) West Carleton SS (Dunrobin) West Credit SS (Mississauga) Westdale SS (Hamilton) West Elgin SS (West Lorne) West End Alternative School (Toronto) Western SS (Amherstburg) Western Technical & Commercial School (Toronto) West Ferris SS (North Bay) Westgate CVI (Thunder Bay) West Hill CI (Toronto) West Humber CI (Toronto) Westlane SS (Niagara Falls) Westminster SS (London) Westmount CI (Thornhill) Westmount SS (Hamilton) West Niagara SS (Beamsville) Weston CI (Toronto) Westside SS (Orangeville) Westview Centennial SS (Toronto) Westview Freedom Academy SS (Windsor) Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts (Toronto) W. F. Herman Academy SS (Windsor) White Oaks HS (Oakville) White Pines CVS (Sault Ste Marie) William Lyon Mackenzie CI (Toronto) Windsor Public Alternative SS (Windsor) Winston Churchill CI (Toronto) Woburn CI (Toronto) Woodbridge College (Woodbridge) Woodroffe HS (Ottawa) Woodstock CI (Woodstock) W Ross Macdonald Deaf Blind SS (Brantford) W Ross Macdonald Provincial SS (Brantford) Yorkdale SS (Toronto) York Humber HS (Toronto) York Memorial CI (York) York Mills CI (Toronto) Académie catholique Ange-Gabriel (Brockville) Collège français secondaire (Toronto) College Heights SS (Guelph) Collège Notre-Dame (Sudbury) École Cap sur l'Avenir (Sudbury) École catholique Nouveau Regard (Pavillon Jeunesse Nord) (Cochrane) École publique Centre d'éducation et de formation de (Hawkesbury) École secondaire CANO (North Bay) École secondaire catholique Algonquin (North Bay) École secondaire catholique Béatrice-Desloges (Orléans) École secondaire catholique Champlain (Chelmsford) École secondaire catholique Cité des Jeunes (Kapuskasing) École secondaire catholique Collège catholique Franco-Ouest (Nepean) École secondaire catholique Collège catholique Samuel-Genest (Ottawa) École secondaire catholique de Casselman (Casselman) École secondaire catholique de La Vérendrye (Thunder Bay) École secondaire catholique de l’innovation (Ottawa) École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet (Plantagenet) École secondaire catholique de Pain Court (Pain Court) École secondaire catholique E.J.Lajeunesse (Windsor) École secondaire catholique Élisabeth-Bruyère (Mattawa) École secondaire catholique Embrun (Embrun) École secondaire catholique Franco-Cité (Ottawa) École secondaire catholique Franco-Cité (Sturgeon Falls) École secondaire catholique Garneau (Orléans) École secondaire catholique Georges-Vanier (Smooth Rock Falls) École secondaire catholique Hearst (Hearst) École secondaire catholique Jeanne-Lajoie (Pembroke) École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord (Blind River) École secondaire catholique La Citadelle (Cornwall) École secondaire catholique L'Alliance (Iroquois Falls) École secondaire catholique La Renaissance (Espanola) École secondaire catholique L'Envol (Trenton) École secondaire catholique l’Envolée du Nord (Kirkland Lake) École secondaire catholique Le Relais (Alexandria) École secondaire catholique L'Escale (Rockland) École secondaire catholique l'Essor (Tecumseh) École secondaire catholique l'Horizon (Val Caron) École secondaire catholique Marie-Rivier (Kingston) École secondaire catholique Mer Bleue (Orléans) École secondaire catholique Monseigneur-Bruyère (London) École secondaire catholique Notre-Dame (Kemptville) École secondaire catholique Notre-Dame (Woodstock) École secondaire catholique Paul-Desmarais (Ottawa) École secondaire catholique Pierre-Savard (Nepean) École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury (Hawkesbury) École secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie (New Liskeard) École secondaire catholique Saint-Dominique-Savio (Owen Sound) École secondaire catholique Saint-François-Xavier (Sarnia) École secondaire catholique Saint-Joseph (Wawa) École secondaire catholique Ste-Trinité (Windsor) École secondaire catholique Thériault (Timmins) École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) École secondaire Château-Jeunesse (Longlac) École secondaire Cité-Supérieure (Marathon) École secondaire David Saint-Jacques (Kitchener) École secondaire de Lamothe-Cadillac (Windsor) École secondaire de la Rivière-des-Français (Noëlville) École secondaire des adultes Le Carrefour (Ottawa) École secondaire du Sacré-Coeur (Sudbury) École secondaire Étienne-Brûlé (North York) École secondaire Franco-Jeunesse (Sarnia) École secondaire Franco-Niagara (Welland) École secondaire Gabriel-Dumont (London) École secondaire Gaétan Gervais (Oakville) École secondaire Georges-P-Vanier (Hamilton) École secondaire Hanmer (Hanmer) École secondaire Jeunes sans frontières (Brampton) École secondaire l'Alliance (Iroquois Falls) École secondaire Le Caron (Penetanguishene) École secondaire l'Orée des Bois (Dubreuilville) École secondaire Macdonald-Cartier (Sudbury) École secondaire Norval-Morrisseau (Richmond Hill) École secondaire Notre-Dame-du-Sault (Sault Ste Marie) École secondaire Passeport Jeunesse (Hearst) École secondaire publique aux Quatre-Vents (Parry Sound) École secondaire publique Campus secondaire l'Héritage (Alexandria) École secondaire publique De La Salle (Ottawa) École secondaire publique Echo du Nord (Kapuskasing) École secondaire publique Gisèle-Lalonde (Orléans) École secondaire publique L'Académie de la Seigneurie (Casselman) École secondaire publique L'Alternative (Ottawa) École secondaire publique L'Équinoxe (Pembroke) École secondaire publique Le Sommet (Hawkesbury) École secondaire publique L'Héritage (Cornwall) École secondaire publique Louis-Riel (Gloucester) École secondaire publique Marc-Garneau (Trenton) École secondaire publique Maurice-Lapointe (Kanata) École secondaire publique Mille-Iles (Kingston) École secondaire publique Nipissing OueSt. (Sturgeon Falls) École secondaire publique Odyssée (North Bay) École secondaire publique Omer-Deslauriers (Ottawa) École secondaire publique Pierre-de-Blois (Nepean) École secondaire publique Rivière-Rideau (Kemptville) École secondaire publique Rockland (Rockland) École secondaire Renaissance (Timmins) École secondaire Roméo Dallaire (Barrie) École secondaire Ronald-Marion (Pickering) École secondaire Toronto Ouest (Toronto) École secondaire Villa Française des Jeunes (Elliot Lake) ÉSAC Mère-Teresa (Hamilton) ÉSC Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel (Toronto) ÉSC Monseigneur-Jamot (Peterborough) ÉSC Nouvelle-Alliance (Barrie) ÉSC Pape-François (Stouffville) ÉSC Père-Philippe-Lamarche (Toronto) ÉSC Père-René-de-Galinée (Cambridge) ÉSC Renaissance (Aurora) ÉSC Saint-Charles-Garnier (Whitby) ÉSC Sainte-Famille (Mississauga) ÉSC Sainte-Trinité (Oakville) ÉSC Saint-Frère-André (Toronto) ÉSC Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf (Welland) Other
College Name Algonquin Boreal Cambrian Canadore Centennial Conestoga Confederation Durham Fanshawe Fleming George Brown Humber La Cite Lambton Loyalist Michener Mohawk Niagara Niagara Parks Northern Ridgetown Campus Sault Seneca Sheridan St. Clair St. Lawrence
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